Employee Online
Employee Online Overview
- Employee Online Homepage
- Leave Tracking
- Check Stub
- W-2 Information
- ACA (Affordable Health Care Act)
- Direct Deposit
- Tax Withholding Form
- Benefits
Employee Online Homepage
Leave Tracking
The Leave Tracking screen gives easy access to the accrued leave information for employees. It is available under Menu and then the Leave Tracking card (Timecard Online & Leave Tracking).
Click on Leave Tracking within the card.
You can view your balances for leaves such as Sick, Personal, and Vacation by selecting the appropriate leave in the Leave Type box as shown below.
You can select how many years you want to view for your leaves. The system only shows the last 5 years. Select by clicking on the leave description to see the balances and detail of your leaves. The balances shown will not reflect any leave not yet processed and deducted from your balance. Leave is always processed the month following when it was taken. For example, all leave taken in September will not be processed until the last day of October. You will see leaves that are being processed during the current month as unposted leave. This will be applied to your balance when payroll is complete.
Check Stub
The Check Stub screen gives easy access to view your check stubs, past or present. Click on Menu to select the Payroll information card as shown below:
Click on Check Stub
You will then see a list of all current and past check dates. Click on any check number to view that months’ pay information.
Your paycheck will display earnings, deductions, contributions, and your leaves. Each section is labeled to help you navigate through your paycheck. You can contact the payroll department if you have questions on any of items that are displayed on your paycheck.
If you would like to print your paystub, click on the print icon in the corner of the paycheck. The paycheck will appear on your screen in Adobe Acrobat reader. Select the printer you would like to print to, or save it on your computer.
W-2 Information
The W‐2 screen gives easy access to view all your W‐2’s, past or present. On the Payroll information card, click on W‐2 under the Tax
Forms as shown below:
W‐2 card displays your years that are included in Employee Online. Also referenced on the card page is information from the IRS. You can click on those selections if you would like more information.
Click on the W2 year and you will be able to view and print your W‐2 statement.
If you would like to receive your W‐2 electronically instead of receiving it by mail, you can consent by clicking on Opt‐Out of receiving paper W‐2 form. You will be able to view your W‐2 Employee Online W‐2 electronically every year.
Click on Opt‐Out of making paper W‐2 Forms. A check mark will appear on the screen to indicate you have opted out. Next, click on the save button icon on the right‐hand side of the card. Once you have clicked on the save button you will see Save changes on the screen.
Once you save your changes the check mark will indicate your new selection. Note: If you need a copy at any time please contact the Payroll Office and we will issue you a copy of the W‐2 statement. You can change the status of your electronic form at any time except between January 15 to January 31. Your form will be submitted to you based on the status that is in the system during that time.
ACA (Affordable Health Care Act)
The ACA (1095‐C Affordable Care Act) screen gives easy access to view all your ACA’s, past or present. On the Payroll information card click on ACA under the Tax Forms as shown below:
ACA card will display your years that are included in Employee Online. Also referenced on the card page is information from the IRS, you can click on the selection if you would like more information about your ACA form.
Click on the Year and you will be able to view and print your ACA statement.
If you would like to receive your ACA electronically instead of receiving it by mail, you can consent by clicking on Opt‐Out of making paper ACA form. You will then need to view on Employee Online your ACA electronically every year.
Click on Opt‐Out of making paper 1095‐ Affordable Care Act (ACA) Form. A check mark will appear on the screen to indicate you have opted out. You will then need to click on the save button icon on the right hand side of the card. Once you have clicked on the save button you will see Save changes display on the screen.
Once you save your changes the check mark will indicate your new selection.
Note: If you need a copy at any time please contact the Payroll Office and we will issue you a copy of the ACA statement.
You can change the status of your electronic form at any time except between January 15 to January 31. You form will be submitted to you based on the status that is in the system during that time.
Direct Deposit
The Direct Deposit card gives you easy access to view and change your deposit for your monthly paycheck. Click on Menu to select the Payroll information card as shown below:
Active Direct Deposit(s) in the system will appear with your bank name information.
Click on the Arrow next to (ACTIVE).
Add or change a direct deposit click on the plus sign +
Enter information in the fields for your new bank information.
- Bank Number: Bank account Routing number ex: 125000024‐ , selection menu will appear as soon as you enter three digits of the bank name.
- Account Number: Bank account number ex: 565689568‐ , click on the pencil icon to enter the bank account number.
- Account Type: Select Checking or Savings, click on the arrow and drop‐down menu will appear for Checking and Savings.
- Amount Type: Default to NET
After entering the information as shown above, please review the information entered and compare to your check for the bank routing number and the bank account number.
Read the statement to authorize your deposit. Click on Save button.
Save Button icon is in the right‐hand corner of the screen.
Record will save and the status will show pending on the new direct deposit record. You will see Pending below status until payroll has accepted the records.
Once payroll has reviewed and accepted the record you will then see the status on each record. You can update the information before the next payroll.
- If you receive an error that indicate the bank id could not be found, please review your entry of the routing number.
- f you receive an error and it will not allow you to add your direct deposit contact Payroll.
- If the routing number is correct, we do not have this bank routing number in our system contact Payroll.
Tax Withholding Form
The Tax Withholding card gives you easy access to view and change your W‐4’s for your monthly paycheck. Click on Menu to select the Payroll information card as shown below:
You will then see the W‐4 information to change or add your tax information.
We recommend that you review the IRS tools to help determine what you need to enter in the fields above for W‐4. Downloading the W‐4 form will help you calculate the amounts you will need to select for your taxes.
Enter the information from the W‐4 form into the fields below.
- 1(c) Filing Status: select by clicking on the drop‐down menu
- 2(c) 2 Jobs Total
- 3 Dependent Amount Total
- 4(a) Other Income
- 4(b) Deductions
- 4(c) Additional Withholding
- Additional Withholding End Date: leave blank (the default date will be 12/31/2050)
Note: Payroll is unable to give any tax advice, please refer to the IRS website. If
you have problems entering any information in the Tax Withholding screen
contact Payroll.
Benefits information is available on the Benefits Card. It is available under Menu and then Benefits. You can find links to Benefits, Retirement, Deferred Compensation Program, and Tax Shelter Annuity program. These links will direct you to each vendors website to get any information about these programs.