Puyallup School District
Public Records Requests
The Puyallup School District is committed to transparency and providing easy access to public records pursuant to RCW 42.56 and School Board Policy 4040. The Washington State Public Records Act gives the public the right to access records created and maintained by public agencies in the course of their normal business.
How to file a Public Records Request
The Puyallup School District has a Public Records Portal that allows anyone to submit a request and track requests online. Requests may also be made by email, letter, phone or fax. Public Records Request form
Email: publicrecords@puyallupsd.org
U.S. Mail: Public Records Officer, Sarah Gillispie, 302 Second St. SE, Puyallup WA 98372
Phone: (253) 840-8925
Fax: (253) 840-8959
Contact Info
Sarah Gillispie
Executive Director of Communications and Community Engagement
Robin Rhodes
Communications Analyst
(253) 840-8925