Seeking High School Physics Curriculum Materials
The Puyallup School District Teaching and Learning Department is seeking information onHigh School Physics Curriculum Materials.
Course Information
Physics is a rigorous course designed for students to learn the major concepts and themes of physics through laboratory experiences that focus on the use of the critical thinking skills for problem–solving and mathematical modeling. The course covers topics including motion, forces energy, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism.
Requested Information
Those interested in submitting physics curriculum materials are requested to respond on a white paper must include the following sections:
Section 1
- Administrative information and the following as a minimum:
- company name
- business address
- name of point of contact
- email address
- telephone number
- business license number, EIN
- business type (corporation, partnership, individual, other).
Section 2
- At least three references that have used the materials for at least a year and can provide feedback.
Section 3
- A summary of reasons why responder believes the curriculum materials are high-quality.
Section 4
- Answers to the following six questions:
How do your curriculum materials engage students in three-dimensional learning according to the framework for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?
How do your curriculum materials address the learning needs of all students including, but not limited to, students not reading at grade level, multilingual learners who qualify for English language learning services, students with learning differences, and extensions for students who are exceeding grade-level standards?
How do your curriculum materials incorporate multiple perspectives to make sense of scientific phenomenon?
How do your curriculum materials all students to see science as a tool to make changes in society and their communities?
How do your curriculum materials support student engagement in the Science & Engineering Practices outlined in the framework for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?
How do your curriculum materials engage students in sense-making activities that are meaningful to their lives and interests?
Section 5
- An itemized quote valid for 120 days for the items listed below (If the company does not provide one of the items listed, please clearly indicate that in the quote):
3 hard copies of teacher's editions
3 teacher online access (7-year access)
90 copies of student textbooks
120 student access to online materials (7-year access)
32 hours of professional development, to be utilized over 3 school years
Submission and Deadline Information
Responses should be no more than 30 pages and submitted via email to with the subject line indicating: RFI 040124 HS-PH Response: [Enter Product Name], by Friday, April 19, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.
Sample materials are due no later than Friday, April 26, 2024, at 3:45 p.m. Email access to digital samples for online review to with email subject line indicating: RFI 040124 HS-PH Sample: [Enter Product Name.
Mail physical copies to:Instructional Materials Processing Center, Attn: Lori Miller
3607 17th St SW
Puyallup, WA 98373
Need More Information?
View the Request for Information (RFI) to High School Physics Curriculum Materials.