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New Student Online Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Opens Feb. 1

A Brouillet Elementary Kindergarten Student during the 2022-23 school year.

Puyallup School District will open online enrollment for prospective Kindergarten through 12th grade students for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year beginning Thursday, February 1, 2024.

This is for students who are new to the Puyallup School District or former students that are returning to Puyallup School District who need to fill out a new enrollment packet.

Registration Process

Please go to the following website to complete the online enrollment application process: Registration - Puyallup School District.

Please ensure you have reviewed Steps 1-2 to have ready all required documentation required to complete your child’s enrollment. If you do not have access to a device to complete online enrollment, all public libraries allow access and use of computer devices at no cost.

All required documents must be uploaded before submitting your enrollment application. Any missing documents will result in your application to be moved to a “Pending” status until all required documents have been received.

Intra-District and Non-Resident Applicants

If you would like to attend a school in the Puyallup School District other than your zoned school, then you will need to fill out an Intra-District Transfer.

The form is available at: In-District Transfers - Puyallup School District.

The Intra-District Transfer needs to be emailed to: or dropped off at the District Office (not the school).

If you reside outside the Puyallup School District boundaries, complete the online Choice Transfer Request Form

You will also need to fill out a Non-Resident Waiver available at Out-of-District Waivers - Puyallup School District.

The Non-Resident application needs to be email to or dropped off at the District Office (not the school).

Please do not fill out an Enrollment Packet until you have approval from our Transfer/Waivers department.

Looking For Other Registration Information?

Spanish Dual Language Program: Fall 2024 Application Period Now Open!

Kindergarten Academy Online Interest Form is Open

Apply for PEEK for the 2024-25 School Year by April 19!