Puyallup School District
Dental Assistant Curriculum Review Opportunity
The community is invited to review the recommended curriculum materials for a new Dental Assisting Course.
The course materials, including the textbook Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, sixth edition, can be viewed in person at the district office, 302 2nd St. SE, or the Puyallup High School office, 105 7th St. SW, from February 5-16, 2024.
If you have questions or comments regarding the curriculum, please contact:
- Teri Harris, Director of Career and Technical Education at HarrisT@puyallupsd.org, (253) 841-1301.
- Richard Lasso, Assistant Superintendent of Equity and Instructional Leadership at LassoR@puyallupsd.org, (253) 841-1301.