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2025-26 PEEK Program Online Interest Form Now Open!

A PEEK Classroom in Puyallup School District

Is your child ready for kindergarten but has a birthdate that falls just after the cut-off?

Puyallup Early Entrance to Kindergarten (PEEK) is an opportunity for children with a birthdate between September 1 and 30  to be considered for early entrance to kindergarten if they meet certain requirements.

Program Requirements

*The child's birthdate must be between Sept. 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2020, for the 2025-26 PEEK Program.

How to Apply

Complete and submit the Online Interest Form

Online Interest Form Deadline

Monday, April 14, 2025

What Happens After I Complete the Form?

If the child is eligible based on the form's submission details, the following documents will be mailed to the home address listed on the form:

  • Parent Questionnaire
  • Teacher Questionnaire

Applicants must return or mail the questionnaires to the following address by Friday, April 25:

302 2nd St SE, Puyallup WA 98372*
Attn: Kris Wilkinson

*Open between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Selection Process

Students who meet program requirements based on their questionnaire answers will be invited for an in-person 45-minute assessment, where they must score significantly above their chronological age in all areas of the assessment.

Assessment Details

Areas assessed include:

  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Language skills
  • Knowledge of concepts
  • Behavior

What Happens if My Child Performs Well on the Assessment?

If there is clear evidence that the child demonstrates readiness based on questionnaires and assessment scores, they will be offered early enrollment into kindergarten.


Email Kris Wilkinson at