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Job Opening: Bus Driver

A school bus driver sitting down in the driver's seat smiling



Date Available

Upon Hire

Closing Date

Open Until Filled



Hourly Rate

$30.38 - $33.23 per hour (Depending on Experience); Wage increments included for longevity.  

Job Responsibilities

  • Assesses potential emergency situations for the purpose of taking appropriate action to protect the wellbeing of passengers|
  • Assists students and other passengers for the purpose of providing safe loading and unloading from buses including both emergency situations and normal transport
  • Informs school personnel, parents or transportation supervisor of unsafe practices and incidents (e.g. infractions of rules, regulations, laws, procedures) for the purpose of providing information for follow up action and/or proper procedures


  • Meet Testing Requirements: Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Physical Capacity Testing 
  • Be at least 21 years of age with at least 5 years driving experience          
  • Pass Criminal Background Fingerprinting Check with WSP and FBI (Upon Hire)
  • Must have an acceptable driving record       


View the entire job description and apply today!