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World Language Proficiency Test


In the Puyallup School District, students in grades 8-12 can earn high school credit in a World Language by successfully passing a World Language Competency test and demonstrating your proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. You may also earn a Seal of Biliteracy on your high school diploma for demonstrating a high level of proficiency.

Languages Available For Testing

  • Arabic
  • Cambodian
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Mandarin Simplified
  • Mandarin Traditional
  • Marshallese
  • Pashto
  • Polish
  • Punjabi
  • Russian
  • Samoan
  • Somali Maay Maay
  • Somali Maxaa
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Tagalog
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese

The Educational Benefits of Being Bilingual

Washington State encourages districts to explore competency-based credit for world languages in order to better prepare students for college and future careers (WAC 180-51-050). Providing students the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency recognizes the value of bilingualism and promotes students’ pride in their proficiency in another language. It can also provide students the opportunity to earn high school credits necessary for graduation and/or college eligibility.

How Do I Know If I Should Test?

Students should take a moment to think about their current language skills in the language that you wish to be tested.

If they can answer “Yes, I can do this fairly easily” to each of the statements below, then they will probably be able to earn at least 1-2 credits after taking the language test. If they can answer “Yes, I can do this very easily” to all of the statements, then they may be able to earn 3-4 credits.

  1. I can understand ideas on familiar topics expressed through phrases, short sentences, and frequently used expressions when listening to a conversation. [Listening]
  2. I can understand the main idea and some details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary. [Reading]
  3. I can exchange information with another person about familiar tasks, topics and activities (e.g., school, vacations, weather). [Person-to-Person Communication]
  4. I can use a series of phrases and sentences to provide basic information about familiar topics. [Spoken Production]
  5. I can write descriptions and short messages and request or provide information on familiar topics. [Writing]

What if I Have Already Earned World Language Credits or Previously Participated?

Check with your counselor to identify the potential benefits of participating in the test.


Frequently Asked Questions