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Re-enrollment from Home School

Your child may enter or re-enter the school district at any time. District policy requires that a parent administer or cause to be administered an annual standardized achievement test (see Annual Testing). In addition, when a student requests enrollment in a school following a period of home-based instruction, the principal will determine the appropriate grade and course level placement. The principal may form a team for advice about placement after meeting with the parents or guardian and following a review of the child’s records and annual test scores. The final decision on grade or course level placement rests with the school district.
 Students entering secondary education (grades 7 through 12) requesting credits for courses of study completed under the home-based instruction statute will need to insure the following:
  • A Declaration of Intent for previous year(s) is on file;
  • The course instructor meets minimum qualifying standards;
  • A standardized test or annual progress assessment has been administered.
 Credit may be granted by a review of coursework by a private school, agency, or homeschooling organization. The Superintendent or designee has the authority to determine course and grade level placement. The parent can assist with grade level and course determination by providing a valid transcript of credits earned. Transcripts must be submitted prior to re-entering the school district if requesting credit.