Q: What if I want my child to take a break from QUEST?
A: Identified highly capable students may take a furlough year with the proper completion of a form and rejoin the program after one year. If more than one year, furlough students will need additional testing.
Q: What is the difference between HP (High Performance) and QUAL (Qualified) placement?
A: Qualified Placements are for students who qualify under the criteria of most highly capable and will be placed in the program
High Performance Placement are for students who have demonstrated high performance and consistently achieve above grade level, have strong task completion and embrace challenges but for whom the cognitive assessment data does not support qualification for the HCP. These students may benefit from and contribute to the unique learning environment of a QUEST, PAGE or accelerated classroom as space is available. Such placements will be reviewed yearly by the
Multidisciplinary Selection Committee, and high performing students are not considered selected or identified for continuing placement within the program.
Q: What if I have other children who are not in the QUEST program and I would like them to all go to the same school?
A: We strive to keep families together and you can apply for an intra-district transfer for the other children to attend the school where QUEST is offered.