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Farm2Fork Program


Farm to Fork Truck

Farm2Fork is a career and technical education program for junior and high school students with a full-size, operational, professional food truck.

The CTE Farm2Fork program is led by CTE Teacher on Special Assignment, Chef Javi “Bug” Silva. Chef Silva partners with local farmers in the Puyallup basin to help educate Puyallup students for sustainable food choices, shopping habits, preparing, and cooking meals.

The Food Truck Basics course and the practical experience gained through operating the food truck provide students with valuable skills and opportunities to develop essential 21st Century Leadership Skills, such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving, which are critical for success in a wide range of careers.

Who Will the Program Be Offered To?

Chef Silva collaborates with culinary teachers to enhance lessons in introductory and fundamental culinary courses. Lessons incorporate the use of local resources like crop farms, dairy farms, and butchers from Pierce County.

Currently, the program is offered to junior high students. However, starting  in the 2024-25 school year, the program will expand into the high school level.  The Emerald Ridge High School CTE program will contribute hydroponics farming products and Rogers High School CTE program will contribute greenhouse produce.

Funding for the CTE food truck and programs comes primarily from state allocations for Career and Technical Education, rather than local taxpayer dollars. These state funds are intended to support and improve CTE programs across the state, helping to ensure that they are aligned with industry standards and addressing skills gaps in key occupations.

The state funding for CTE allows for the enhancement of equipment and resources in classrooms and labs, as well as the provision of training for students in high-demand, well-compensated fields such as the food industry.