Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high demand careers. CTE is a national program designed for career exploration and preparation where students learn academic, employability, and technical skills in hands-on settings. Students enrolled in CTE courses engage in leadership skill development activities as an integral part of the instructional program.
Our Commitment
The Puyallup School District is committed to ensuring each student obtains essential skills necessary to succeed in a career that provides them with a sustainable living family wage by:
- Delivering engaging hands-on courses that are relevant to today's workplace.
- Upholding rigorous industry and academic standards
- Partnering with community business and industry leaders for mentorship and vision
- Inspiring and preparing students to set and pursue fulfilling career goals.
All students in CTE courses are connected with practice and growth in technical and leadership skills necessary to excel in meaningful post-secondary educational opportunities and life.
Contact Info
Teri Harris
Director of Career and Technical Education
Stephanie Glenisky
Assistant Director of Career and Technical Education
Shavonda Simmons Smith
CTE Worksite Learning Coordinator
Stephanie Giustino
CTE Teacher on Special Assignment
Tara Brady
CTE Information Analyst
Administrative Assistants
Career Specialists
Patti McMullan
Emerald Ridge High School
Shelley Jellison
Puyallup High School
Megan Cooley
Rogers High School
School CTE Administrators
Steve Leifsen
Assistant Principal, Emerald Ridge High School
Mark Barnes
Assistant Principal, Puyallup High School
Anne Hoban
Assistant Principal, Rogers High School