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Instructional Materials Committee

Committee Purpose

The Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) annually reviews curriculum and make any necessary recommendations for adoption of core classroom materials, as well as discuss/explore alternative core and supplementary instructional materials. The committee’s goal is to provide the most up-to-date, research-based, and appropriate learning materials for teachers and students. Standards-aligned and modern curriculum materials are critical tools for classroom learning. In the hands of our teachers, such materials are intended to move students through mastery of fundamental concepts to deeper thinking.

The IMC is composed of certificated staff, administrators, parents/guardians, community members and subject-matter experts to help the district meet this goal. The curriculum and adoption process is defined in Board Policy 2020 and RCW 28A.320.230.


Core instructional materials undergo an initial intensive review process led by the IMC. The committee evaluates the instructional content of recommended materials according to specific selection criteria. This ensures they comply with state law and district policy, and that the content is developmentally appropriate and covers necessary learning standards. The review process may also involve field testing materials in a limited number of classrooms. This provides the opportunity to investigate the effectiveness of curriculum in a live teaching and learning environment. When field testing is used, families of students in classrooms where the materials are being used are given notice and information about the curriculum being tested. After thorough review, the IMC selects its top choice and begins a formal public review of the materials with the opportunity for public comment. The IMC’s recommendation and public comments then go to the school board for consideration of adoption.


If you are interested in joining the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) as a parent or community member, please submit an application for membership. 
Mail completed application to: 

Puyallup School District
PO Box 370
Puyallup, WA 98371-0156