Puyallup School District
Performance Outcomes
Our board of directors supported the identification of the following Performance Indicators for the following reasons:
- To provide a framework for our school district to set goals that are aligned with each of the milestones our students achieved throughout their K-12 journey in the Puyallup School District
- To monitor our progress in the goals that we have set for each performance indicator
- To be transparent with our community regarding the progress we are making toward our goals
The Puyallup School District Performance Indicators are also aligned with the Statewide Indicators of Education System Health. These performance indicators are:
- Kindergarten Readiness as measured by WaKIDS - Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills
- Third Grade Literacy as measured by SBA - Washington State Smarter Balanced Assessment
- Eighth Grade High School Readiness as measured by SBA - Washington State Smarter Balance Assessment (ELA & Math) and WCAS - Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science
- College & Career Readiness
- High School Graduation Rate
- Kindergarten Readiness
- WAKids Rank
- WAKids Domains
- 3rd Grade Literacy
- ELEM SBA and WCAS Rank
- 8th Grade HS Readiness
- JH SBA Rank & 3 Year Trend & WCAS
- High School Graduation Rates