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Facilities Planning


The Facilities Planning Department is part of the Operations Department and adheres to the department’s mission to plan for, build, maintain, and improve our school properties in a manner that supports academic success, safety and comfort to the users, and community pride in appearance.

Strategic Planning

The PSD Facilities Planning Department is pivotal in developing long-term plans for our school facilities. Our team analyzes data, assesses enrollment projections, and collaborates with various stakeholders to create comprehensive facility plans.

These strategic plans guide the growth and development of our school district, ensuring that our facilities can accommodate the needs of current and future generations.

Areas of responsibility include:

  • Enrollment Projections
  • Mitigation and School Impact Fees
  • New Residential Construction Review/Comment
  • Real Property Acquisition & Disposition
  • Management of Leased Properties
  • Capital Facilities Plan Updates

Safety and Security

The safety of our students and staff is of utmost importance. Our PSD Facilities Planning Department ensures that our school facilities meet safety standards and regulations. Their dedication to creating a secure environment fosters peace of mind for our entire school community. 

Areas of responsibility include:

  • Safe Route to School Grants
  • School Traffic Assistance

Environmental Sustainability

The PSD Facilities Planning Department embraces sustainable practices to minimize our environmental impact. They explore energy-efficient solutions and incorporate eco-friendly features into facility designs. By prioritizing sustainability, they contribute to our collective responsibility to protect our planet and instill environmental stewardship in our students. 

Areas of responsibility include:

  • SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) Facilitation for District Capital Projects

Facility Utilization

Efficient utilization of our school facilities is crucial to maximizing safe, welcoming spaces to encourage academic excellence. The PSD Facilities Planning Department analyzes space usage, classroom capacity, and scheduling to ensure optimal utilization. They seek innovative ways to repurpose or adapt spaces to accommodate changing needs, facilitating a productive and inclusive learning environment for all students. 

For more information on our current facilities utilization planning, visit the School Capacity and Utilization Task Force page.

Areas of responsibility include:

  • Attendance Area Boundaries for Schools
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Management & Analysis