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Region 1: Exploring Solutions

SCUT Meeting 4 images

On Thursday, October 26, School Capacity and Utilization Task Force members from all three regions of our district embarked on a challenging mission to identify and test practical solutions for Region 1. This committee serves as an advisory body to the School Board of Directors, following comprehensive guidelines to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for students and facilities as we continue to grow.  

Amidst the arrival of rainy weather, the football season, and the onset of fall, the School Capacity and Utilization Task Force is fully engaged in addressing the urgent issue of school capacity in Region 1, specifically the Emerald Ridge catchment area. Region 1 encompasses a network of schools, including Emerald Ridge High School, Ferrucci Junior High, Glacier View Junior High, and several elementary schools. In their recent meeting, task force members conducted a deep dive into the critical aspects of school capacity, including local student needs, available resources, and the potential for student growth in Region 1. They also explored external factors, such as school boundaries, school impact fees, and the impact of residential development on the Puyallup School District (PSD). 

Region 1 Schools

Understanding school capacity is crucial for effective educational planning, resource allocation, and creating conducive student learning environments. It is essential to differentiate between building capacity (the educational space supply) and enrollment (the demand for these spaces). The recent task force meeting shed light on the intricate dynamics of managing school capacity, exemplified by the case study of our five proto-typical elementary schools, where changes in educational programs significantly impacted the school's capacity over the years. Moreover, the region is experiencing substantial growth, driven by new housing developments within the Puyallup School District and neighboring areas. These complexities are further exacerbated by school impact fees, which, while essential, often don’t cover the actual cost of supporting school facilities.

SCUT Building Capacity

Our Region 1 schools are currently accommodating more students than we have classrooms for inside our buildings. Portable buildings are helping to alleviate space issues at many sites, but there are several limiting factors that we need to consider, including:

  • Class size targets limit the seats we can assign to each class.
  • Physical building space, including classrooms in our school buildings and portable classrooms.
  • Property infrastructure limits the number of portables we can add to a location, including water, sewer, restroom availability, access, and security.

Without additional Bond or Capital Levy funding for school construction, this issue demands urgent, creative planning to provide our students with high-quality learning environments.

The Task Force will provide recommendations supporting current and projected enrollment building capacity and address space issues within our existing facilities until future capital projects are funded and constructed.

Armed with information from the October 12, 2023 meeting, Task Force members engaged in extensive discussions. These discussions revolved around potential solutions to ensure that our school buildings can adequately support our students. Some of the critical areas they explored include:


  • Location of districtwide programs: Evaluating the placement of specialized programs to ensure equitable access for all students while maximizing facility usage.
  • Student attendance waivers: Analyzing the impact of existing waivers and considering the potential for new waivers and transfer policies to alleviate overcrowding and balance enrollment.
  • Alternative grade configuration models: Exploring the possibility of changing grade configurations to better allocate available space and resources.
  • School attendance boundaries: Examining whether adjustments to school attendance zones could optimize existing space usage and alleviate overcrowding in certain areas.
  • Building condition and future building sustainability: Assessing the current state of our facilities and exploring long-term sustainability measures to ensure that they remain safe and conducive to learning.

The task force began exploring potential cascading effects that may result from adjusting the K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade configuration model. To facilitate task members’ understanding, they participated in a tabletop exercise, considering various scenarios.  The tabletop exercise proved to be an eye-opening experience, revealing additional cThe Task Force is dedicated to gaining deeper insights into these issues and exploring viable solutions, with the final report to the board scheduled for the spring. Their primary objective is to cultivate a shared determination to address these challenges and guarantee that our students receive a high-quality education.  

In summary, the discussions provided valuable insights into the intricate challenges of school capacity management, particularly within Region 1. With residential growth continuously reshaping the landscape, addressing issues related to school capacity, transportation, and funding remains a top priority for the district. With a focus on our commitment to excellence, PSD is actively engaging in ongoing collaboration and innovative solutions to ensure the provision of high-quality learning environments that evolve with the changing needs of students and the community. Stay tuned for further updates on the School Capacity and Utilization Task Force's progress as they diligently work towards securing a bright future for education in Region 1 and districtwide. 

The task force will continue discussing Region 2, the Rogers High School catchment area, on November 8, 2023.  

To view presentation materials and stay up to date on the School Capacity and Utilization progress, visit    

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