Understanding the $36.25 per Month Calculation: A Breakdown of the 2024 Capital Levy’s Impact on Your Taxes
Puyallup School District Bond Advisory Committee Finalizes Recommendations for Districtwide School Improvements
Building a Strong Future for Puyallup Schools: Bond Advisory Committee Tackles Tough Decisions on Proposed Projects
Second Meeting of the Bond Advisory Committee (BAC) Explores Growth and Needs in the Puyallup School District’s Region 1, Including Sunrise Development
Capital Projects Secures Grant for ADA Handrail Project at Sparks Stadium, Pursues Massive Solar Initiative and Energy Audits for Local Schools
Maplewood Elementary's Heating Tackled with Precision: Maintenance Efforts Align with Clean Buildings Act Compliance
Tacoma News Tribune: Ballots are here. 40% of parents in one East Pierce school district aren’t registered to vote