School Capacity and Utilization Task Force (SCUT)
As part of the Puyallup community, we are aware of the rapid growth in the area and the challenges it poses for our schools. As we look towards the future, we're concerned by the data, which indicates that all our elementary and high schools are over our built classroom capacity. PSD projects that our high schools will exceed our built capacity in 2028.
Our schools support more students than we have classrooms for inside our buildings. Although portable buildings are helping to alleviate space issues at many sites, there are several limiting factors that we need to consider, including:
- Class size targets limit the seats we can assign to each class.
- Physical building space, including classrooms in our school buildings and portable classrooms.
- Property limits to the number of portables we can add to a location, including water, sewer, restroom availability and access, and security.
Without additional Bond funding for school construction, this issue requires urgent, creative attention and action to provide our students with the best learning environment.
Puyallup School District is actively engaging with the community to address our schools' space and capacity issues. In April, we asked for your help, and more than 90 students, parents, and community members from across the district volunteered. Fifteen members from that list, representing a diverse cross-section of community members, will participate in 17 meetings over the next year to ensure that all perspectives are represented.
The School Capacity and Utilization Task Force will provide recommendations that support current and projected enrollment, building capacity, and address space issues within our existing facilities until future capital projects are funded and constructed.
The Task Force will review information on the following topics, among others, as it considers interim solutions to ensure our buildings have the capacity to support students:
- School attendance boundaries
- Location of districtwide programs
- Student attendance waivers (existing, new, and transfers)
- Alternative housing strategies
- Alternative grade configuration models Building condition and future building sustainability.
2024-2025 School Year
SCUT Meeting Dates
Due to the work involved, meetings will be held in person only unless otherwise noted. Meetings will be held from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Task Force News
Approved June 17, 2024 | Task Force Recommendations Report
Appendix Documents
June 3, 2024 - Task Force Recommendations Report to the School Board
Without additional Bond funding for school construction, our school capacity requires urgent, creative attention and action to provide our students with the best learning environment.
Questions? Contact Us
323 12th Street NW
(Portable 02)
Puyallup, WA 98371
Phone: (253) 841-8641
Fax: (253) 841-8640
Learn more:
- Watch the School Board Study Session review of the Capital Facilities Condition and Planning Report (April 22, 2023)
- School Board Approves Task Force Charter (Approved, May 8, 2023)
- Revised Charter (Approved, June 17, 2024)