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Citizens Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC)

In June of 2021, under the leadership of the Assistant Superintendent of Operations and the Capital Facilities Team, The Puyallup School District Citizens' Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) embarked on a year-long deep dive into data analysis. Through 15 regularly scheduled meetings, supplemented by additional sub-committees as required, the group aimed to identify priorities over a 12-year outlook for capital construction projects, property management, and technology implementation for the Puyallup School District. 

The outcome provides for consideration a recommendation resulting from a strategic approach to prioritizing projects that will have the greatest impact on the educational experience for Puyallup students, teachers, staff, and the community. The committee’s work is an initial step in ongoing planning for future facilities, to be reviewed and revised annually. It was created in partnership with the Capital Projects team, district operations and education experts to provide a comprehensive framework for future efforts.  

2021 Citizens Facilities Advisory committee (CFAC) report


The work of the CFAC results in detailed recommendations for addressing the immediate need for classroom capacity and modernization of aging facilities to provide suitable learning environments for our students as outlined at the end of this report. The following is a summary of recommendations: 

  • Address growth, aging facilities, safety and security, and improved programs at the high school level through a phased replacement and expansion of all comprehensive high schools to include athletic program upgrades. To fully address growth and condition improvements at this grade level, additional classrooms and major modernizations are needed at Walker High School as well.
  • Address growth, aging facilities, safety and security, and improved programs at the elementary school level through a full replacement and expansion of Spinning and Waller Road elementary schools. In addition, the new construction of “Elementary #24” is recommended to address future growth.
  • Address growth, aging facilities, safety and security, and improved programs at the junior high level through the expansion of Glacier View Junior High

The following document and its appendices present all the essential data to support its recommendations, including but not limited to:  

  • District “Level of Service” (LOS) analysis with 4, 8, and 12-year enrollment projections.
  • An outline of facility needs is meant to address district program improvements.
  • An updated State Study and Survey, including Building Condition Assessments and analysis.
  • A summary approach to addressing property needs in support of findings included within.
  •  An existing housing analysis of facilities currently supporting district operations.

2021 Citizens Facilities Advisory committee (CFAC) report