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Prop. 1: Expand, Replace, and Build Schools

Bonds build schools text on red banner
As Puyallup continues to grow, Proposition 1 represents an important investment in our schools, ensuring that facilities meet the needs of both current and future students. Through thoughtful planning and a commitment to maintaining tax stability, Proposition 1 addresses growth and aging facilities.
No Tax Increase. Maintain our current tax rate information graphic

No Tax Rate Increase


Prop 1 is a $800M bond measure and, if approved, would maintain the current tax rate of $4.14 per $1,000 of assessed property value by refinancing the recently passed capital levy. This means there would be no tax rate increase for homeowners if the bond is approved. For a $500,000 home, if this bond were to pass, the estimated cost would remain approximately $36.25* per month for the homeowner.  

* The $36.25 per month calculation represents the increase in taxes due to the voter-approved 2024 Capital Levy, which is projected to raise the total cumulative tax rate from $3.27 to $4.14 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2025. This increase of $0.87 per $1,000 calculates to approximately $36.25 per month for a home valued at $500,000. 

Addressing Growing Enrollment and Aging Facilities: Expand, Replace, Build

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The proposed $800M bond would maintain the current tax rate of $4.14 per $1,000 of assessed property value through a capital levy rollback, meaning homeowners would not face any increase in their property taxes. This solution allows the district to address immediate infrastructure needs without an additional tax burden. Proposition 1 would span 21 years, prioritizing expanding high school capacity and replacing outdated elementary schools.

Proposition 1 includes seven major projects:

  • Expand Emerald Ridge, Puyallup, and Rogers High Schools to address overcrowding.

  • Replace Mt. View, Spinning, and Waller Road Elementary Schools to improve aging facilities. 

  • Build a new elementary school in the Sunrise Master Plan area to support the district’s projected growth. 

If Proposition 1 were to pass, the district would be eligible for up to $152.9 million in state matching funds, This would allow the district to address additional school needs identified by the Bond Advisory Committee (BAC).  State matching funds save local taxpayers future improvement costs.

Tax Rate and Funding Strategy

The Bond Advisory Committee focused on proposing projects that would maintain a steady tax rate by rolling back the current capital levy rate (while still completing all 906 districtwide projects from the recent levy), enabling the district to fund necessary projects without increasing the financial burden on taxpayers. The proposed bond would:

  • Maintain the Current Tax Rate at $4.14
    Through careful financial planning and use of levy rollback funds, Proposition 1 aims to keep the tax rate steady over the next 21 years while generating the funds needed to support these critical projects.

  • State Match Funding
    Many projects are eligible for state matching funds. These matching funds would reduce the overall cost to local taxpayers.

    Learn more about how we invested state match from 2015 bond projects 

  • 21-Year Plan
    Proposition 1 would span 21 years (2025–2046) and would prioritize expanding high school capacity, expand and replace Mt. View, Spinning, and Waller Road elementary schools, providing upgrades to meet the district's educational standards, incorporate modern technology, and improve plumbing, lighting, HVAC, and network systems. Rebuilding schools will also improve traffic circulation and exterior learning spaces to support student success. These projects will help accommodate the district’s growing population and improve learning environments.

Developed by the Community

2024 Bond Advisory Committee voting by hands raised

For more than four years, over 80 community members—including parents, community members, and professionals in building, design, and construction—have served on the Puyallup School District’s Capital Facility Advisory Committee, School Capacity and Utilization Task Force, and Bond Advisory Committees. Together, these groups carefully studied the district’s needs to support our growing K-12 student enrollment.

Proposition 1 reflects their recommendations to expand school capacity to address student overcrowding, replace aging facilities, and enhance safety across our schools.

Learn more 
Read Bond Advisory Meeting Stories

Read School Capacity and Utilization Task Force Stories

News and Information

PSD Bond and Levy History

Questions and Answers

Bond Impacts

Public Funding Questions

Bond Planning Questions

Property Tax Questions

How does the Capital Levy affect the Bond?

Rogers High School Portable
three men smooth concrete while students watch through a window
classroom at spinning elementary

Crossword puzzle answers
Across: 1. Emerald Ridge; 2. Bond; 3. Sunrise; 4. Waller Road; Down: 5. Overcrowding; 6. Forty; 7. Rogers; 8. Puyallup