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Local, State, Federal Grants

Federal Grants

Local, State, or Federal Grant Application and Approval Process

District employees considering application for grant funds from a local, state or federal source must complete the Grant Approval Form at least 10 days prior to the grant submission deadline.  The Grant Approval Form must be reviewed by the Business Office to determine if there are any implications of the award to the district (e.g. matching funds requirement, long term repair or maintenance costs).

This process applies to all grants regardless of the size of the award or the method of submission except for grants that are awarded through the OSPI iGrants or EGMS systems.

Complete the Grant Approval Form and attach a copy of the grant announcement or link to grant information from the awarding agency and the completed grant application. If the grant application is electronic, include screenshots of the application questions and responses for review with the grant approval form prior to submission.

1.  Obtain principal and/or department head approval signature.

2.  Scan and email the documents to Sam Whitney at ESC (Business Services) at least 10 days prior to the application submission deadline.

3.  Business Services will review the application and respond with any questions.

4.  Business Services will send an email to the grant applicant upon Business Office approval.

5.  If the award is granted, grant applicant must notify Sam Whitney at ESC (Business Services) so grant funds can be properly deposited and an account code created to track expenditures.

To access the Grant Approval Form

Conflict of Interest Policies

Policy 5251 - Conflicts of Interest

Employees shall not engage in nor have a direct financial interest in any activity which interferes with the objective exercise of his/her District... (cont'd)

Regulation 5251R - Conflicts of Interest

It is the position of the district to permit consulting activities which: are related to the professional interest and development of the employee... (cont'd)

Policy 6230 - Relations with Vendors

Financial and business transactions of the District shall be carried out in conformity with the law and consistent with sound and ethical business... (cont'd)

Regulation 6230R - Relations with Vendors

This regulation provides guidance on how to implement and comply with District Policy No. 6230, Relations with Vendors. All business interactions... (cont'd)