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AROI - Academic Return On Investment


Academic Return On Investment (AROI) Information

The District’s Board of Directors adopted Strategic Directions in 2023.  Puyallup’s Theory of Action for alignment of district resources with established priorities and values reflects the fundamental beliefs of the district around what will lead to long-term success for our students.  This Academic Return on Investment (AROI) form will assist the district in fulfilling this Theory of Action by:

  • Providing a tool which clearly and consistently communicates proposed initiatives for more informed decision making.
  • Increasing accountability by setting metrics for evaluating effectiveness.
  • Providing visibility for how resource allocation decisions are made.
  • Creating transparency for how decisions impact student achievement and district priorities.
  • Ensuring resources are allocated fairly and equitably where they will have the greatest impact.
  • Facilitating progress monitoring.
  • Measuring the success of the initiative.

Cabinet members or other administrators proposing new initiatives or large investments (greater than $100,000 in initial and/or ongoing yearly costs) must complete this form for review by the Superintendent's Advisory Council and Cabinet.