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Associated Student Body


Associated Student Body (ASB) funds are public monies raised on behalf of students, and are used for optional, extra-curricular events of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature. In general, carryover amounts from one year to another are due to anticipated expenditures for student activities which take more than a year of fundraising. These funds are not available for curricular, or graded student activities.

ASB Procedures Manual

ASB Training Videos

Here are links to ASB training videos and the Associated Study Body (ASB) Procedure Manual, which covers ASB processes, procedures, and policy for the Puyallup School District. The manual provides basic information to be used as a guide by school
administrators, bookkeepers, advisors, coaches, and other staff working with ASB. You can open the entire manual, or go directly to the link of a specific chapter. Additional manuals of related interested are listed at the bottom of this page.


Explains the roles and responsibilities of ASB officers and advisors, and the typical activities that occur in ASB throughout a typical year.

Covers everything staff and advisors need to know when building a budget for an ASB athletics or activities club.

Explains the policies and procedures governing the purchase, liability, inventory control, and surplus/disposal of goods and services purchased with ASB funds.

Covers all the necessary processes and procedures that must be followed when engaging in ASB fundraising from beginning to end including fundraiser forms, budget considerations and cash/inventory control. Also includes important information regarding online fundraisers.

Covers processes and procedures related to proper cash handling and inventory control for ASB student stores and fundraisers.

Examines the differences between fundraising for ASB purposes vs. PTA/Parent Group fundraisers; includes information to help staff understand the key processes and procedures that must be followed to keep fundraisers for these two different entities completely separate.

Discusses the additional considerations that apply when raising funds through the ASB for charitable purposes.

Comprehensive training video for employees and coaches who fundraise for athletics through ASB, covering topics including: cash handling, fundraising forms and procedures, ASB vs. Booster Clubs, inventory control, awards and incentives, and vendor relations.

ASB Financial Reports

This financial report reflects the detailed ASB account balances by school. Beginning balances are as of September 1st and ending balances are as of August 31st.

The reports for 2022-2023 are unaudited. 

2022-2023 ASB Club Balances

2021-2022 ASB Club Balances

2020-2021 ASB Club Balances

2019-2020 ASB Club Balances

2018-2019 ASB Club Balances

ASB and Athletic Participation:

The 2019 Legislature added the following reporting requirements related to students in possession of Associated Student Body (ASB) cards and student participation in school-based athletic programs (ESHB 1109, section 501 4(n)(ii)):

• Number of high school students eligible to participate in the federal free and reduced-price meals program.

• Price of ASB card for high school students.

• Discounted price of ASB card for students eligible for federal free and reduced-price meals program.

• Athletic program fees.

• Discounted athletic program fees for students eligible for federal free and reduced-price meals program.

• Number of high school students who possess an ASB card and number of high school students eligible for federal free and reduced-price meals program who possess an ASB card.

• Number of high school students participating in an athletic program and number of high school students participating in an athletic program who are eligible for federal free and reduced-price meals program.

* ”High school students” includes 9th grade students attending junior high District Policy 3510R - Associated Student Bodies

District Policy 3510R - Associated Student Bodies

ASB Card and Athletic Participation Data

Opportunity Gap Reduction Plans
